
Welcome to our contact page! Here you will find all the information you need to contact us.
Whether you have questions, suggestions or concerns, we are here for you and look forward to hearing from you.

Contact Person

Anja Berkes

Anja Berkes

Public Relations Officer
Telephone: 030 82406-663

Donation Account

The Max Planck Foundation administers the account of the Max Planck Foundation for Human Development to which this account number is assigned.

Deutsche Bank
IBAN: DE54 7007 0010 0195 5392 00


Donate via PayPal

You also have the option of donating via PayPal. A bank transfer is possible via credit or debit card.



Compliance with the statutory requirements according to §§ 51, 59, 60 and 61 AO was separately determined by the Munich tax office, tax number 143/235/54774, with notification dated December 27, 2023 according to § 60a AO. According to our statutes, we promote science and research. It is confirmed that donations are used only to promote science and research. We are entitled to issue donation receipts for donations made to the Max Planck Foundation for Human Development for use for these purposes, in the officially prescribed form (Section 50 (1) EStDV). For donations up to €300.00, a donation receipt does not need to be submitted to the tax office. For your tax return, the deposit slip or bank statement is sufficient for the simplified donation receipt. For donations over €300.00, you will receive a donation receipt from us – please provide your name and address when making the transfer.

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